Stadtradler media coverage (in German only)

Vienna TV station W24 covers the plans to make the Argentinierstrasse bicycle-friendly and talks to Stadtradler about it (aired 13.12.2022):

W24 logo

The dutch radio station NOS Radio1 reports about the second corona lockdown in Austria und asks a dutch bikeshop owner in Vienna about his views (program Radio1 Journaal of 17.11.2020 at 6:23, only in dutch):

Die Presse discusses local companies and how they cope with the Corona-crisis: a portrait of Stadtradler (online and print issue of 26.3.2020, page 14):

Radio Wien discusses repairing your own bike and interviews Stadtradler's Mikko Stout (program of 25.2.2020 at 7:51):

Der Kurier discusses the newest bicycles, and presents the Azor IJssel citybike as available at Stadtradler (print-issue of 21.4.2019, Mein Sonntag pages 2 and 3):

Der Standard Rondo lists Christmas presents and suggests Stadtradler's children helmets (print-issue of 30.11.2018):

Die Presse reports on independent contractors and the new job world, amongst others with the example of Mikko Stout/Stadtradler (print-issue 15.9.2018, Spectrum pages 1 and 2):

High praise of Stadtradler and the Gazelle van Stael in Die etwas anderen Wien-TIPPS by Ernst Merkinger, in the article of 16.8.2018:

The dutch radio station NPO Radio5 reports about cycling in Vienna and interviews Stadtradler (program "Thuis op 5" of 19.7.2018, only in dutch):

Der Kurier discusses cycling trends in Austria, and presents unique bicycle accessories, amongst which the Yakkay helmets and covers as available at Stadtradler (print-issue of 29.4.2018, Mein Sonntag page 8):

Heute reports in WirtschaftHeute on the expansion of the Stadtradler bike collection with the retro-bikes brand Pelago (print-issue of 5.4.2018, page 9):

Drahtesel, the bicycle-magazine of the Austrian ARGUS cycling-lobby tests steel-framed bicycles: the Pelago as available at Stadtradler is also tested (Print issue nr. 1 / 2018, pages 47-51):

Austrian furniture store chain XXX Lutz shows its spring collection featuring an Azor bike from Stadtradler (march 2018):

XXX Lutz logo

Austrian public television channel ORF news program ZIB Magazin discusses the elections in the Netherlands and interviews Dutch people at Stadtradler (broadcasted on march 14, 2017):

ZIB Magazin logo

Cycle, the german bike and style magazine , issue August 2016, pp. 21-23, tests the Bella Ciao Ingegnere:

The Standard online discusses the rise of e-bikes, including quotes of Stadtradler:

The Kurier Online discusses E-Bikes and what to watch when buying one, with tips provided by Stadtradler (also as print issue of 27.4.2016, Chronik page 17):

Energie Leben discusses Dutch citybikes and introduces Stadtradler:

Der Kurier tests bicycles, among which the Azor Carolina (print-issue of 17.4.2016, Mein Sonntag page 3):

Trend Online discusses the founding history and first 3 years of Stadtradler.

Heute reports in WienHeute on the expansion of the Stadtradler bike collection with the luxury brand Bella Ciao (print-issue of 9.3.2016, pages 16 and 17):

Bikers United blog presents Stadtradler and the Stadtradler workshop bicycle maintenance tip:

Futurezone, technology blog of Austria's daily newspaper "Kurier", visits Stadtradler und tests the Gazelle Orange C8 Impulse e-bike (online issue of september 18th 2015):

A nice overview of Stadtradler's offering, described by Fast Just Perfect Blog, online issue of june 30th 2015:

The Wiener Bezirkszeitung , issue Wieden of mai 27th + 28th 2015, page 22, lists shopping tips and endorses Stadtradler: reports on gender marketing and discusses Stadtradler as a viewcase (online-issue of may 12, 2015): writes: "Frauen kaufen anders als Männer, auch beim Rad", about the differences in (bicycle-)buying behaviour of men and women (online-issue of may 8, 2015).

Format writes about the bicycle and its impact on the economy "Fahrrad - Wirtschaftswunder auf zwei Räder", Stadtradler is taken as an example (online-issue of april 28, 2015):

Österreich recommends Easter gifts: Dutch Omabikes by Stadtradler are included (print issue of april 2, 2015, page 20):

Wien for Women only recommends bicycle shops: also Stadtradler is featured (online issue november 2014):

Guided Vienna reports on Annalisa Mansutti's photo exhibition at Stadtradler (online issue november 2014):

Austrian public television channel ORF business and economy program ECO discusses pensions and presents Stadtradler (broadcasted on september 18, 2014):

ECO logo

Format reports on corporate managers starting new companies, amongst which Stadtradler (Print issue of august 2014, pages 32-39):

Drahtesel, the bicycle-magazine of the Austrian ARGUS cycling-lobby tests rain-solutions for bikes: the DryCycle's bike-umbrella as available at Stadtradler is also tested (Print issue nr. 3 / 2014, pages 36-37):

The Wiener Bezirkszeitungen of july 2nd + 3rd 2014, page 11, discusses safe cycling and endorses Stadtradler:

Der Standard reports on new startups, amongst which Stadtradler (Print issue of 24+25.5.2014, page K2):

Das Wirtschaftsblatt reports on the bicycle retail trade in Austria, amongst others mentioning Stadtradler (Print issue of 12.5.2014, page 6):

Flair discusses bicycle trends for the upcoming bike-season: Stadtradler's citybikes are part of the trend (online-issue may 2014):

Good lists and discusses the coollest bike-shops in Vienna: Stadtradler is amongst the chosen few.

The Wieden (= Vienna's 4th district) issue of the Wiener Bezirkszeitungen of may 7th + 8th 2014, page 19, reports on the 1st year of Stadtradler:

Österreich endorses Stadtradler in its shopping tips (Print issue of 30.4.2014, page 22):

Der Kurier reports on Stadtradler (print issue of april 28th, 2014, Karriere page 22):

Der Standard reports on bicycles for the upcoming summer season: also mentioned are Stadtradler's Dutch omabikes (online edition of 9.4.2014):

Der Standard reports on professional cargobikes and Dutch omabikes as transport-bikes for private use (online edition of 12.3.2014):

Weekly magazine Freizeit of Austrian national newspaper Kurier suggests Stadtradler's winter accessories as presents for the upcoming holiday season (print-issue of 7.12.2013, page 42):

WOMAN shows how to use Stadtradler's accessories at urban wintercycling (print-issue Nr. 25 of 6.12.2013, page 28):

Energie Leben suggests winter gifts, eg. bicycle helmets with fur covers available at Stadtradler:

The Wiener Bezirkszeitungen , a weekly paper distributed to all Vienna housholds, issue november 6+7 2013, discusses cycling in winter and shows Stadtradler accessories:

Das Bezirksblatt, Wieden online and print issue of 30th of october 2013 reports about Stadtradler:

Tweewieler, a Dutch cycling magazine, reports online about Stadtradler in Vienna (in Dutch only):

Energie Leben reports online about bicycles for daily use in an expert interview with Stadtradler:

Österreich reports in Society-Insider about Schuh-Mania amongst Stadtradlern (print-issue of 26.6.2013, page 36):

Wirtschaftsblatt reports on trendy shoes and a trendy location at the presentation of the Humanic fall collection (print-issue of 26.6.2013, page 20):

Heute reports in LeuteHeute on the Vienna society at the Humanic Fall Collection Presentation at Stadtradler (print-issue of 26.6.2013, page 17): TV reports on Stadtradler and the Velo City Conference 11.-14.6.2013: logo

ViennaOnline reports on the Velostyle 2013, the Bicycle Fashion Show held on june 11th, 2013 at the Karlsplatz in Vienna. Live on stage was Stadtradler with Azor and Gazelle omabikes and dutch city-cycling accessories:

Kurier reports online on Stadtradler (a similar issue was published in the Kurier print-issue of June 9th, 2013, pages Mein Sonntag 4-5):

WOMAN shows how Stadtradler omabikes fit to a picknick (print-issue Nr. 12 of 7.6.2013, page 66):

Die Stadtspionin elects Stadtradler as "Shop of the Week" on june 6th, 2013:

trend - das österreichische Wirtschaftsmagazin reports on Stadtradler and other bike boutiques in Austria (Nr 6/june print-issue 2013, pages 146-150):

Der Standard Rondo reports on Stadtradler (print-issue Nr. 723 of 17.5.2013, page 18):

Der Standard reports on Stadtradler's philosophy to combine beauty and brains with bikes:

Weekly magazine Freizeit of Austrian national newspaper Kurier reports on Stadtradler's trendy omabikes (print-issue of 4.5.2013, page 28):

Chamber of Commerce magazine Wiener Wirtschaft discusses Stadtradler (print-issue Nr. 17 of 26.4.2013, page 2):

WOMAN endorses omabikes and Stadtradler (print-issue Nr. 09 of 26.4.2013, page 64):

The Wiener Einkaufsstrassen mention the Stadtradler store opening:

The Mobility Lounge visits Stadtradler: (look for "Stadtradler"):

ÖSTERREICH reports on Stadtradler (Print-issue of 14.4.2013 pp 14, 23):

Isabella Klausnitzer in isa trends (look for "Du fährst wie eine Gazelle"): reports about the Stadtradler store opening (look for "Stadtradler: Erster Shop für Hollandräder in Wien eröffnet"):

FALTER recommends Stadtradler in the Best of Vienna Tipps (look for "Stadtradler"):

The first trendscout spots Stadtradler in Lunablu Style Blog (look for "City-Bike-Chic = Cycle Chic"):

Stadtradler's PR-activities were managed by Mag. Barbara Fürchtegott/Agentur Trevia.